Jakob Schwichtenberg

The “true magic hidden inside General Relativity”

“The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.”

Sir William Lawrence Bragg

General relativity is conventionally summarized as follows:

There is no gravitational field. Gravity is merely the result of the curvature of spacetime. Mass and energy curve spacetime and as a result particles get attracted to them. Think of a heavy ball on a bed sheet. If we then let a smaller ball roll on the bed sheet it will roll down the depression created by the bigger ball.


This is the standard textbook story. Now the magic:

It also makes sense to turn the conventional “essential lesson” of General Relativity completely upside down!

When Einstein understood this, he referred to this insight as “beyond my wildest expectations.” Carlo Rovelli refers to this change of perspective as “the true magics hidden inside General Relativity“, which is where the title of this post comes from.

Now that you are hopefully interested, let’s discuss how we can achieve this change of perspective and what it means to turn the essential lesson of General Relativity upside down.

But first a short disclaimer: The following discussion and figures are heavily inspired by Section 2.2.5 in Rovelli’s “Quantum Gravity” book. The thing is that it is somewhat buried in a book about an advanced topic, although the whole argument is not hard to understand and should be much more widely known. Even otherwise great textbooks like Tony Zee’s “Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell” don’t discuss it – for whatever reason. This is why I wanted to rewrite the whole thing in less technical terms and promote it here. However, none of the ideas below are mine and all credit goes to Carlo Rovelli. 


So now, let’s start. As usual in General Relativity, we need a “Gedankenexperiment” (= thought experiment).

Problems inside an empty hole

The fundamental equation of General relativity – the Einstein equation –  famously stays the same under all sufficiently smooth transformations (diffeomorphisms). This means we can act with any sufficiently smooth transformation on a given solution of the Einstein equation and get another solution. The conventional name for this symmetry is “general covariance”.

While symmetries are usually great, too much of anything is harmful. The huge symmetry of General Relativity is no exception and leads to a huge problem.

We can understand the problem through the following Gedankenexperiment.

Consider a region of the universe that contains no matter – a hole. Inside this hole, we take a closer look at two specific points $A$ and $B$. At $A$ the gravitational field $e$ is flat, while at $B$ it is not.

Now, since the Einstein equation is generally covariant, we can find a transformation $\phi$ that maps $A$ to $B$ and leaves everything outside the hole unchanged. The gravitational field gets now changed to $\tilde e =  \phi^\star e$. Since $A$ is mapped to $B$, the field $\tilde e$ is curved at $A$ and flat at $B$.

Both field configurations $e$ and $\tilde e$ are both physical solutions of the Einstein equation since our transformation $\phi$ is a symmetry.

This is a huge problem.

What is the real physics at the point $A$? Is the gravitational field flat or curved here? The Einstein equation seems to be meaningless since it doesn’t uniquely determine the gravitational field at the spacetime point $A$.

However, we know from experiments that gravity doesn’t behave strangely. We don’t need, for example, a superposition of all possible solutions. Gravitational physics is deterministic.

Now, there are only two ways out of this dilemma.

  • Either we need different field equations that aren’t generally covariant and therefore determine the gravitational field at $A$ uniquely.
  • Or we need to rethink the notion “spacetime point”.

Einstein actually searched for three years for non-generally covariant field equations. However nowadays, with the power of hindsight, we know that the Einstein equation is correct. Therefore, we need to talk about the second option.

What is a spacetime point?

We usually accept that there is fixed, invisible background structure that we call spacetime. We can imagine it as some kind of lattice with infinitesimal lattice spacing that permeates everything. While the actual labels that we put on this lattice do not matter, we usually accept that this invisible structure exists.

This is how we ended up with our strange conclusion in the last section that the physics at point $A$ is not uniquely determined.

However is there actually any evidence for the existence of this invisible background structure? Sure, it’s a useful tool – but as argued above it leads to problematic conclusions.

So let’s leave the invisible stuff aside and talk about things that we can actually observe.

The situation described in the last section is rather meaningless. How could we ever notice that the gravitational field is curved or flat if there is nothing except the gravitational field inside the hole?

Therefore, to probe the physics inside the hole let’s send two test particles into the hole. We further assume that these particles meet at $B$.

Now, not only the gravitational field but also the worldlines, $x_a$ and $x_b$, of the two particles are determined by the Einstein equation.

Next, we consider again the map $\phi$ from the last section.

The thing is that not only the gravitational field $e$ gets transformed, but also the worldlines $x_a$ and $x_b$! Again, $e$ becomes $\tilde e$ and in addition, $x_a$ and $x_b$ become $\tilde{x}_a$ and $\tilde{x}_b$. Since $\phi$ is a symmetry these are again physical solutions of the Einstein equation.

With this in mind, we can see how the paradoxical situation outlined in the last section can be resolved.

We previously asked: Is the gravitational field flat or curved at $A$?

Now, we can instead: Is the gravitational field flat or curved at the point where the two particles meet?

As discussed in the last section the first question is not uniquely answered by the Einstein equation. We can find a solution $\tilde e$ where the gravitational field is curved at $A$ and another one $e$ where it is flat at $A$.

In contrast, the second question is uniquely answered by the Einstein equation! The gravitational field is curved at the point where the two particles meet no matter what smooth transformation we apply. This is how the hole problem is solved. We were simply asking the wrong question. 

The fundamental lesson of General Relativity turned upside down

What we learn through the famous “hole Gedankenexperiment” is that it makes no sense to ask questions about spacetime points. Instead, we must ask questions about locations that are determined dynamically through elements in the theory, like the two particles in the example above.

In this sense, there is no invisible background structure like we usually assume it. Instead, spacetime emerges dynamically. I like the following analogy by Rovelli

“Objects are not immersed in space. Objects make up space. Like a marriage. It’s not a man and a women feel up marriage. They are the marriage. There is no marriage without a man and a women (or a man and a man or a women and a women. Whatever.). … Space is nothing that remains if you take away all the things. Instead it’s made up by things.  ”

To quote Einstein:

“All our space-time verifications invariably amount to a determination of space-time coincidences. If, for example, events consisted merely in the motion of material points, then ultimately nothing would be observable but the meeting of two or more of these points. Moreover, the results of our measurements are nothing but verifications of such meetings of the material points of our measuring instruments with other material points, coincidences between the hands of a clock and points on the clock-dial, and observed point-events happening at the same place at the same time. The introduction of a system of reference serves no other purpose than to facilitate the description of the totality of such coincidences. “

Rovelli concludes:

“The two solutions $(e,x_a,x_b)$ and $(\tilde e,\tilde {x}_a, \tilde{x}_b)$ are only distinguished by their localization on the manifold. They are different in the sense that they ascribe different properties to manifold points. However, if we demand that localization is defined only with respect to the fields and particles themselves, then there is nothing that distinguishes the two solutions physically. […] It follows that localization on the manifold has no physical meaning. […] Reality is not made by particles and field on a spacetime: it is made by particles and fields (including the gravitational field), that can only be localized with respect to one another. No more fields on spacetime: just field on fields.”

While the traditional summary of General Relativity states that gravity is merely an “illusion” caused by the curvature of spacetime, the line of thought outlined above suggests instead that there is no spacetime at all!

What we perceive as spacetime emerges dynamically through interactions like gravity. In this sense, we have turned the essential lesson of General Relativity completely upside down!

There is  a nice paragraph quite at the end of Rovelli’s “Quantum Gravity” book that summarizes everything said here much better than I ever could:

Einstein’s major discovery is that spacetime and the gravitational field are the same object. A common reading of this discovery is that there is no gravitational field: just a dynamical spacetime. In view of quantum theory, it is more illuminating and more useful to say that there is no spacetime, just the gravitational field. From this point of view, the gravitational field is very much a field like any other field. Einstein’s discovery is that the fictitious background spacetime introduced by Newton does not exist. Physical fields and the relations are the only components of reality.

( A short comment: the notion “dynamical spacetime” can be confusing. Spacetime is a static thing since time is already included. Hence, there is no wobbling spacetime etc. Spacetime is a fixed thing that doesn’t change.)

  • Further information along these lines, can be found in the last chapter in the book Some Elementary Gauge Theory Concepts by Sheung Tsun Tsou and Hong-Mo Chan where they talk about the idea of a “pointless theory”.
  • For some more philosophical thoughts, see Interpreting theories without a spacetime by De Haro and de Regt.

How I learned to learn physics

“You do not understand an argument, until you’ve found the major flaws in it. For any problem complex enough to be interesting, there is evidence pointing in multiple directions. ”


While there are many models that try to encapsulate how learning and understanding works, I recently came across one particular model that I keep thinking about and find extremely useful.

The model is a simple 3-level model and was proposed by Nat Eliason here.

The model describes remarkably well how I reached maturity in my thinking about different physics topics and since Nat didn’t mention physics, I want to discuss some examples below.

But first, a short summary of the model.


Level 1

Level 1 is called “Blind Ideology“. Everyone starts at this stage for any given topic. This stage is

“characterized by the wholesale adoption of the beliefs, attitudes, and lifestyles that were thrust onto you by your upbringing and environment. [….] Level 1 thinkers have an ideology they’re fixed to, and their blindness to it makes them throw out contrary opinions as heresy.”

A great example is diet. Here, Level 1 means that you eat what your parents taught you to eat, which in most cases is the standard Western diet.

Level 2

Level 2 is called “Chosen Ideology“. At this stage, people realize that the first best thing they were taught isn’t the best thing that exists and they become obsessed with another ideology. As Nat describes it

“If you know someone who believes in something and is annoying about it, they’re most likely at Level 2.”

We reach Level 2 after a “Moment of Clarity“. During such moments we realize that we have been driving with blinders on.

For the diet example above, Level 2 means that you become obsessed with something like Low-carb, Paleo, Veganism etc. At this stage, you are convinced that, for example, Paleo is the only way to go and every other way to eat is stupid.

Level 3

Finally, there is Level 3, which is called “Ideology Transcendence“. At this stage, we are able to sample the best bits from pre-packaged belief systems. At Level 3 we realize that no pre-packaged ideology is a perfect fit for us and we start developing our own. We start studying all ideologies that are out there and pick from each one only those parts that are of use for us.

The step from Level 2 to Level 3 is only possible through lots of Moments of Clarity. Only when we are exposed to lots of contrarian points of view, we can recognize the flaws in every pre-packaged belief systems. To reach Level 3 we must read books and articles that make us uncomfortable.

Regarding the diet example, Level 3 means that you recognize that different people respond differently to different diets. Everyone has different genes and therefore everyone has to experiment to find a diet that is a good fit. However, no pre-packaged diet can be a perfect fit for everyone.

A good test if you’ve already reached Level 3 are “Brake Lights”:

“When you react emotionally to information, any information, that’s a sign of Level 1 or Level 2 thinking. If you truly had a well-rounded stance on a topic and cared about enhancing your understanding of it, you would not react emotionally to anyone else’s opinion.”


It’s important to note that at Level 3 there is a “Strange Loop“. After enough time you will build an ideology of your own by picking the best stuff from other ideologies and adding something of your own. However, as soon as this happens you are again back at Level 2 since you are again following an ideology. Then, you must again search for flaws in your thinking and get exposure to contrarian points of view. In other words, Level 3 starts again. Level 3 is a stage of constant deliberate uncertainty.

The notion “Strange Loop” was coined by Douglas Hofstadter in his book “Gödel, Escher, Bach“:

“The “Strange Loop” phenomenon occurs whenever, by moving upwards (or downwards) through levels of some hierarchical system, we unexpectedly find ourselves right back where we started.”

In some sense this a miniature version of the whole scientific process. We can never know anything in the real world with 100% certainty. The only thing we can talk about is the level of confidence we have in a given theory, model or idea. Ultimately, today’s paradigm-shifting theory will become tomorrows standard theory and will again be replaced by another paradigm-shifting theory.

Nat discusses several other examples and most importantly ways to actively “level up”. It’s much better than this short summary and I highly recommend reading it.

But now, let’s discuss what all this means for physics.

Physics beyond Ideologies

Quantum Mechanics

  • Level 1 is the standard “Shut up and Calculate” approach that everyone learns in the lectures and standard textbooks.
  •  Level 2 thinking is becoming obsessed with, for example, “Bohmian Mechanics” or the Everretian “Many-Worlds interpretation”.
  • Level 3 thinking is realizing that none of these approaches is entirely correct and starting to develop your own way of thinking about quantum mechanics.

Gauge Symmetry

  •  Level 1 thinking is that gauge symmetry is a neat trick to derive the Lagrangian of the Standard Model and otherwise only necessary to prove renormalizability.
  • Level 2 thinking is becoming obsessed with the geometrical interpretation of gauge symmetry in terms of fiber bundles or with the idea that gauge symmetries aren’t fundamentally important after all but merely redundancies in our description.
  •  Level 3 is when you realize that gauge symmetries are indeed only redundancies, but carry a lot of physical meaning that isn’t captured by fiber bundles or the “neat idea” narrative.

Quantum Field Theory

  •  Level 1 is again the standard “Shut up and Calculate” approach that everyone learns in the lectures and standard textbooks. For quantum field theory this meany learning how to calculate Feynman diagrams and path integrals without caring about their meaning.
  •  Level 2 thinking is becoming obsessed with, for example, Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory or String Theory.
  •  Level 3 thinking is realizing that none of the existing “beyond QFT” frameworks is the final answer. Maybe there are no quantum fields after all, since every time we took the field idea seriously we ended up with horribly wrong predictions (Monopoles, Strong CP violation,  Domain Walls etc.).

General Relativity

  •  Level 1 is the conventional narrative that in General Relativity there is no longer a gravitational field, but instead, gravity is merely a result of the curvature of spacetime.
  • Level 2 is the realization that you can turn this whole idea around and argue that the essence of general relativity is that there is no spacetime at all but only interacting fields. The only thing that exists are points where spacetime trajectories of field excitations meet. Only this way spacetime emerges. Another possible Level 2 understanding is “GR is the unique theory with no absolute object”, as coined James L. Anderson in his book Principles of Relativity Physics. (I actually have a friend who is really obsessed with this idea.)
  •  Level 3 is… I have no idea. I find the level 2 idea outlines above extremely cool and I guess this means I am stuck at level 2 for now. But if you know any articles that could help me improve beyond Level 2, please send them my way.

Some thoughts on how to level up in physics

After reading Nat’s essay I started thinking about how I could actively improve my learning process by taking the various 3 levels into account.

I started by assessing at what level I current am for various topics. (It turned out I’m still at level 1 or 2 for many physics topics).

Then I started to think about how I can get from Level 1 to Level 2. The crucial step here is recognizing that there is more than what we learn in lectures and the standard textbooks.

Level 2 ideas usually can’t be found in textbooks. Instead, they must be actively discovered. Often it’s just a side remark in a paper, book, blog post or at StackExchange that initiates the moment of clarity. Afterward comes a period of “going down the rabbit hole” where I try to trace any reference and comment on the alternative approach.

Finally, after enough research, I slowly realize that the alternative approach I became obsessed with is not the final answer. Level 3 thinking requires that I recognize that there is more than one reasonable idea of how to go beyond what we learned in lectures and textbooks.

To stay at Level 3 I must be constantly exposed to ideas that challenge my current beliefs. If I become too certain of a given idea I fall back to Level 2. Level 3 is uncomfortable and lonely.

To summarize: To level up you must read broadly. If you only stick to the books that your professor recommends you will stay at Level 1. Read books and articles by experts, read blog posts, read comments at StackExchange or at the PhysicsForums, read stuff by weird unknown guys. It doesn’t matter as long as they do not all repeat the standard story over and over again. As soon as some alternative approach sparks your interest it is necessary to dig deep and understand it from all possible angles. While it is extremely helpful to become obsessed during this phase, this obsession should always end after some time. At some point, it is always necessary to recognize that there is no universal pre-packaged answer.

Demystifying the Higgs mechanism

This is part 2 of my mini-series on understanding symmetry breaking, Goldstone’s theorem and the Higgs mechanism intuitively. Part 1 is here.

The punchline of the Higgs mechanism is often summarized as:

There are no Goldstone bosons if we break a local symmetry. 

For example, in the standard model, we break the $SU(2)$ gauge symmetry. Since gauge transformations depend on the location $G=G(x)$ they are local and therefore no Goldstone bosons appear when we break it.

Unfortunately, such a summary of the Higgs mechanism has many problems and leads to a lot of confusions.

The problems all have to do with the following observation: Before we can calculate anything that we can compare with experiments, we must remove the gauge symmetry by fixing the gauge.  Usually, in the textbooks, the Higgs mechanism is discussed before the gauge has been fixed. Then, there is no obvious problem. We discuss breaking of the gauge symmetry and then fix the gauge to remove the gauge symmetry completely.

However, what happens if we reverse these two steps? We can first fix the gauge and then have a look what the Higgs mechanism is doing. Certainly, then we can’t talk about breaking of the gauge symmetry since it has been removed completely from the theory. What is the Higgs mechanism then doing and why are there no Goldstone bosons? The story gets even weirder because there are different possible ways to fix a gauge. The story of what the Higgs mechanism is doing changes depending on how we fix the gauge. We can even remove the $SU(2)$ symmetry completely by changing the field variables (See: J. Fröhlich, G. Morchio and F. Strocchi, Phys. Lett. B97, 249 (1980) and Nucl. Phys. B190, 553-582 (1981)).

If all this weren’t bad enough there is even a famous theorem, called Elitzur’s theorem, whose punchline is:

Spontaneous breaking of a local symmetry is impossible.  

I don’t want to dive into the details here, but if you want to have a look at what people are discussing in this context have a look at this paper.

The same confusing situation does not only exist in particle physics. The Higgs mechanism is often invoked to explain how superconductors work. Analogous to the story in particle physics, students are usually taught that here the electromagnetic $U(1)$ gauge symmetry is broken. The cooper pairs play then the role of the Higgs field and since the broken $U(1)$ symmetry is local no Goldstone bosons appear in the spectrum.  (See, for example, the discussion in An Invitation to Quantum Field Theory by Luis Alvarez-Gaumé and Miguel A. Vázquez-Mozo). Again, we run into lots of difficulties if we have a closer look as discussed, for example, in this article.

Now the good news.

Since we already understand symmetry breaking and Goldstone’s theorem intuitively, it is not that hard to understand how the Higgs mechanism works. Especially, we will not run into confusing situations as the ones outlined above, since we will stick to physical things.

Much of the confusion surrounding the Higgs mechanism can be attributed to the confusion surrounding gauge symmetries. I will discuss gauge symmetries in another post since to understand the Higgs mechanism it is sufficient to stick to what is physical about gauge symmetries and leave all the mysticism aside.

The loophole in Goldstone’s theorem

Like for most theorem in physics, there are loopholes in Goldstone’s theorem. Especially, there are systems where the configuration with the lowest energy, the ground state, breaks a symmetry, but no Goldstone modes exist.

To spoil the surprise: in these systems, no Goldstone modes exist because there are long-range forces present before the symmetry breaks. Such long-range forces are what is physical about gauge symmetries and this explains the connection between gauge symmetries and the Higgs mechanism.

The simplest example is again a ferromagnet. As mentioned above, usually the spins of the individual atoms only talk to their nearest neighbors. In other words, there are no long-range forces. Below the Curie temperature, the spins align, but it costs no energy to perform a rotation of all spins at once. Such a uniform rotation is a “spin wave” with infinite wavelength and thus our Goldstone mode here. It appears here because the fundamental laws are rotational invariant and only the ground state of the ferromagnet below the Curie temperature, i.e. the configuration with all spins aligned, breaks the symmetry.

However, if there is additionally a long-range force present in the system, for example, the $1/r$ Coulomb force, such a global uniform rotation costs energy, because we must work against the Coulomb force. Therefore, as soon as long-range forces are present there are no Goldstone modes.

Instead, what happens is that the long-range force becomes short-ranges as soon as the phase transition happens (in the example above, below the Curie temperature).  The long-range force waves combine with the would-be Goldstone modes and the result is a short-range force.  The waves with an infinite wavelength that would be the Goldstone modes now also have an effect on the long-range force, e.g. on the electric field. Thus such a wave with infinite wavelength is no longer possible without costing energy.

Instead, in the case of the ferromagnet, when we consider such a global uniform rotation what we get is a charge-density wave. This charge density wave is independent of the wavelength. As a result, the Goldstone modes have a finite non-zero frequency.

As mentioned above in part 1, symmetries break when the system becomes rigid. Below the Curie temperature, the ferromagnet resists rotations of individual spins. As a result of this rigidity, the former long-range force becomes short ranged.

The long-range electromagnetic force is mediated by electromagnetic waves, which simply means oscillations of electric and magnetic fields. When the system has become rigid, these electromagnetic waves can no longer propagate freely. The displacement of individual spins and thus of individual magnetic moments cost energy if the system is rigid. Hence, the system tries to minimize such displacements by intruding magnetic oscillations. As a result, the electromagnetic waves get damped and thus no longer have an infinite range.

In particle physics terms, we say the photon now has a mass. Before the symmetry breaking the photon is massless which means the range of electromagnetic interactions is infinite. After the system has become rigid the range of electromagnetic interactions is finite and this means the particle mediating the interaction is massive

The Higgs mechanism in particle physics

“Anatoly Larkin, posed a challenge to two outstanding undergraduate teenage theorists, Sacha Polyakov and Sasha Migdal: “In field theory the vacuum is like a substance; what happens there?”

from Chapter 9 in The Infinity Puzzle, by F. Close

As already mentioned in the introduction above there is a folklore that is repeated over and over in the textbooks. According to the folklore the Higgs mechanism exploits a loophole in Goldstone’s theorem because the symmetry that gets broken is a local one. This is wrong. A local symmetry is not a symmetry, but merely a redundancy in the description and cannot be broken anyway.

The real loophole,  as discussed above, is that we consider a system with long-range forces. Prior to the phase transition into a ground state with smaller global symmetry, we have massless spin $1$ bosons that mediate the long-range forces. The scalar field then undergoes a phase transition and condenses into a new rigid ground state. This new ground state does no longer correspond to an empty vacuum, but to a uniform distribution of Higgs field, which could be called “Higgs Substance”,  to borrow a phrase from Guidice’s “A Zeptospace Odyssey“.

In particle physics, the conventional formulation of the non-empty vacuum state is that we say that the Higgs has a non-zero vacuum expectation value.

  • A non-zero vacuum expectation value means that on average we expect to see some Higgs excitations in the vacuum, i.e. the vacuum is filled with Higgs field excitations.
  • A zero vacuum expectation value means that we see on average no Higgs excitations if we observe the vacuum, i.e. the vacuum is empty.

The point is that below some critical temperature the configuration with the lowest energy is no longer an empty state, but one that is filled with the Higgs substance. The spontaneous filling of the vacuum with the Higgs substance is completely analogous to how a ferromagnet becomes filled with magnetization below the Curie temperature. In this sense, the vacuum is not empty but rather more like a medium.

The spontaneous alignment of the spins in a ferromagnet picks randomly a direction in space and breaks, therefore, rotational symmetry. Analogously, the Higgs field picks a direction in the internal $SU(2) \times U(1)$ space. Before the vacuum becomes filled with the Higgs substance there is no way to distinguish the three $SU(2)$ bosons. Only after the Higgs spontaneously picks a direction, these bosons become distinguishable.

There is an important second effect. Special relativity tells us that massless particles move with the speed of light while massive particles always move slower. A direct consequence of a vacuum filled with Higgs substance is that all particles that interact with this substance can no longer move freely. Instead, whenever they try to get from A to B, they are stopped all the time by the Higgs substance. Hence, they no longer move with the maximum velocity, i.e. the speed of light. In this sense they acquire an effective mass through the permanent interaction with the Higgs substance.  However, the Higgs substance makes its presence not only felt when particles are moving.

Instead, the permanent interaction with the Higgs substance also happens when particles are at rest. Without the Higgs substance filled vacuum, all particles would move with the speed of light.

To summarize: The real loophole that makes the Higgs mechanism possible are long-range interactions. Whenever we are dealing with a system with long-range interactions, there are no Goldstone bosons after symmetry breaking, i.e. when the system becomes rigid. After symmetry breaking, the long-range interaction becomes short-ranged and in particle physics terms this means that the corresponding boson is now no longer massless but massive. An important second effect is that other formerly massless field excitations can become massive through the now rigid structure. In particle physics particles interact all the time with the “Higgs substance” that fills all of the vacuum after symmetry breaking.

To read more about what the Higgs mechanism is really doing in more abstract terms have a look at this post, especially the last section.